6160 Hampton Hall Way Hermitage, TN, 37076, USA    bryan@armortermite.com    (615)295-9958

Brown Recluse Spiders in Mt. Juliet, TN

Brown Recluse Spiders in Mt. Juliet, TN

Introduction As we enter 2025, residents of Mt. Juliet, Tennessee, should remain vigilant about the presence of brown recluse spiders in our area. Armor Termite and Pest Control is here to provide you with detailed information and expert solutions to keep your home...
Drain Flies

Drain Flies

General Information About Drain Flies in Nashville, TN Drain Flies Drain Flies Fruit Flies Fruit Flies Phorid Flies Phorid flies Drain Fly Armor Termite General Information All three flies can be loosely grouped as “small flies attracted to decaying organic...
Are Termites in Mt. Juliet?

Are Termites in Mt. Juliet?

Termite Damage MT Juilet TN In the friendly charm of Mt. Juliet, TN there sits a potential, hidden threat: subterranean termites. Armor Termite and Pest Control offers a range of professional pest control services, including specialized treatments for subterranean...