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The number one nuisance pest in North America, ants make up the majority of local pest problems. Varying by species, the average colony is made up of anywhere between 300,000 to 500,000 ants. With the capability of surviving more than seven years, it’s no surprise that they are likely to take up residence in your home.

 Not only are mosquitoes known for disrupting outdoor activities, but they are also vectors for dangerous diseases. Drawn to standing water and capable of laying up to 3,000 eggs in a lifetime, it’s no wonder that mosquitoes are one of the top nuisance pests in the US! 

Mostly nocturnal, cockroaches like to seek shelter from the outdoors. Likely to gravitate in dark, warm locations, many homeowners notice that cockroaches inhabit their bathrooms, closets, and kitchens. Ranging in color from light brown to black, the type of cockroach has much to do with the location they are likely to be found. 

Including mice and rats, rodents can present a number of threats to homeowners. Known to chew through wires, causing electrical fires, transmit diseases, and even track in ticks, it’s always a good idea to prevent these pests before a problem occurs. home or business pest-free.

Contrary to popular belief, spiders are not insects; they are actually arachnids, closely related to ticks and scorpions. Possessing the signature trait of eight legs and known to leave behind webs, spiders are notorious for spooking many homeowners.

There are a number of stinging insects common to Tennessee, many of which pose a threat to your family’s well being. Insects like wasps and hornets can cause painful, sometimes life-threatening stings! It’s important to understand the behaviors and characteristics of these pests, so you can stay safe. 

Our bed bug exterminators are thoroughly trained to inspect, detect, and eliminate bed bugs. By using Apprehend  in your home, we can treat your entire infestation – from Nymph to adult. This innovative treatment reaches where pesticides can’t, all while keeping your family and belongings safe. 

All three flies can be loosely grouped as “small flies attracted to decaying organic matter”. However, their specific appearances, breeding habits, and preferred environments differ significantly. Fruit Flies: Prefer overripe or fermenting fruits and vegetables. Phorid Flies: Breed in a wider range of decaying matter, including drains, sewage lines, and sometimes even decaying animal matter. Drain Flies: Specifically breed in the organic gunk found within drains

Carpenter ants are a type of ant species known for their large size and their ability to nest in wood, often causing damage to wooden structures.  Winged, dark in color, and residing in moist, damaged woods, it’s common that homeowners mistake carpenter ant swarms for termite colonies.

Termite Tunnels on Wall

Causing more than $5 billion in damage to homes across the United States each year, termites are most common in the southern part of the nation. Since most homeowners’ insurance won’t cover termite damage, professional help and prevention methods are often recommended. 

Often mistaken for bumble bees, carpenter bees are commonly found in Spring and early Summer, buzzing around eaves and around wooden porch railings. Getting their name from their habit of boring holes into wood to create nests for reproduction. Carpenter bees are known to cause substantial damage to untreated wood, especially if the insects go unchecked for long periods of time.


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